Update on the novel ! #amwriting

Evening all!


It's been a while since my last update - many apologies!  I've got my head down and am nearing finishing the tricky penultimate part of the book.  I have the majority of the final part written anyway, so it will be worth the time linking these two parts.


I'm off on my travels soon, so will be armed with a pen, notebook and bottles of cerveza while the sun shines and I relax at the side of a pool in Majorca :-)


Then in a couple of weeks I'll be updating you again.  By my reckoning I will be at 100,000 words when I complete this first draft (plus or minus a couple of hundred words maybe).


Exciting times ahead !


Keep your eyes peeled to this site and also my Facebook and Twitter for more news.


Thanks again for your interest - it is much appreciated.



Until next time:


...and the finish line is closer...

