Length of the novel!

Good afternoon!

Just a quick update - I've made a great start to the part 7 of the novel with just over 1,000 words written so far today, which nicely sets up the scenes to come. All this is happening in the background to the main thrust of the novel, but it will be important as it will tie in with where I left part 6 and then provide the momentum for the remainder of the novel.

As I am typing the manuscript in A4 format, I wondered how my novel would look in paperback size (6" x 9") as that's the format the printed version will eventually go out in.

I wish you could have seen the look on my face as the first draft in paperback format is over 400 pages at the moment! To say I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement! The finished first draft could well be 700-800 pages long. Never in my wildest dreams would I have envisioned that at the start of this project!



Well back to writing and have a great evening everyone!

